Saturday, August 28, 2010

To Sum It Up

It's been a long time since the last post and, as always a lot has happened! To sum it up VERY briefly...

January: Became active members of Capital City Grace - a church in downtown Columbus

March: I accepted a position as a foreclosure attorney liaison with a large bank and became the "provider of benefits" for the first time ever!!

April - May: Actively sought out a new home

June: Luke celebrated a birthday, underwent surgery, and experienced the disappointment of his company shutting down

July: Celebrated our 6th anniversary (still can't believe it!) with a trip to the big apple which, each time we go forces me to question why on earth I'm still in the midwest. I LOVE NYC!
August: Luke has had plenty of interviews and a couple really positive job prospects. He informed me he thinks this time off has been exactly what he needed and is thankful for the opportunity to slow down.

Ironically, after having been in our apartment for 1 1/2 years now, we're finally making an attempt at creating a "home-y" environment as we intend to stay here until next Spring. It's funny how a space which was initially intended to remain temporary (as in, we would stay here until our home sold in May of '09) has become something more long-term.

Will continue to send updates in the near future!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wheel Keeps Turnin'

Since the last post, a lot has happened in our lives. Our house sold in 4 weeks (quicker than the last house!) and we closed the first week in May. We had a very successful garage sale, selling about ¾ of what we included in the sale. We moved a lot of stuff into storage here in Ohio and fit most of it into our dinky 600 sq. ft. apartment. The area is still our favorite of any place we’ve since explored in Columbus. Now if they’d just lower property taxes and the prices of homes overall…

With about a month’s worth of diligent job searching, a few interviews and job fairs, I was accepted into a position with a store called Moochie and Company. It’s a dog/cat specialty store. We have the best of everything from treats to apparel. The best part about it is that it’s part-time and when I do work I take Harley! The girls I work with are fantastic. So far, I’ve really enjoyed it!

Luke’s job is still going great. Seems like a dream come true for him. He has been continually challenged and successfully completed presentations, which, of course makes his boss happy! His calm, confident nature is a constant reminder he is perfectly content here. And so in the midst of this lifestyle change, no matter how small our apartment may be or how difficult things can feel at times, we’re certain we made the right choice.

We were blessed to attend my cousin Heidi’s wedding in Jacksonville, FL at the end of April. Along with my parents and brother, we rented a condo on Jacksonville Beach. We got up for the sunrise (almost) every morning and saw dolphins on the shore line. We traveled to Saint Augustine one day and Savannah, GA another (our favorite). The wedding was one of the most beautiful I’ve been to. It was great to connect with family we haven’t seen in years and realize how much we are alike and *gasp* get along!

For me, the vacation marked the end of a chapter and the beginning of another exciting, yet intimidating piece of our lives. We have a long way to go before this place feels like home. I've always felt regret for not fully integrating myself into the culture of Harding during my entirely short stint there. I knew I wasn't going to be there long and didn't see the point in trying because I just wanted to get the heck out. I'm not going to miss opportunities here. I'm making the best of things and plan on making a mark as I go.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday the 13th

Can you figure out what the picture is?? That's Harley laying upside down on the couch at 5am on Friday the 13th. I awoke very early that morning to heaving noises and found a sick dog out in our hallway. He immediately ran downstairs to the couch and was found in this position, passed out and completely exhausted. As irritated as I was to be taking a picture at 5am, I couldn't resist the opportunity. And once again his cuteness enabled me to somehow find forgiveness in the depths of my coffee-depriven self.

I knew something was bound to go awry after a morning like that. Turns out I probably should have waited to break the news to work about my future plans to move to Columbus. Around 4pm I was called into my boss's office and told I was being let go. He was very apologetic and somehow all I could think to say was the truth: If I had been in his shoes I would have done the same thing. It just made sense.

As I was sitting in his office light bulbs started going off. All of my prayers were being answered (of course in a way I never saw coming!). Luke and I have been struggling with being apart. Now I have no reason to stay in Indy! I've been concerned about what to do with Sheeba. The apartment Luke is in won't accept her, not to mention she's 14 and can't handle another move - especially to a place with no dog door to go outside 50 billion times a day! Luke's dad volunteered to take her in. Vicki is home all day and will be able to let her out whenever needed.

I'll be moving to Columbus during our open house ( MLS# 2906398) this coming Sunday. After I get settled in, I expect the job floodgates to open and for people to be calling ME looking for a dependable, hard-working, not to mention good looking female. Yet, somehow I don't think that will happen so I'm planning on beginning a search of my own at that time.

To all those at Creative Street: Those of you reading this can know that I particularly enjoyed my years spent getting to know and befriend you. Each of you holds a special place in my heart and you will be sorely missed. It's hard to find a group of people so good natured, yet I hope it is possible to find the same setting in another state. I wish you all the best and you can count on me taking you up on the reference offers!! :)



Monday, January 19, 2009

Change...Let It Be

Big news! Luke has accepted a new Columbus.......Ohio! It has been a long process that we've been praying about and been unsure/anxious about for some time. I am not exactly sure where to start, other than to tell you I am sorry some will find out for the first time through a blog. There was some risk involved in letting word get out before anything was finalized, which is our reasoning for caution in telling people.

The line of work is similar. He will be selling copy centers rather than just copiers. I don't mean to come across sounding like a proud parent, but I can't help but be thrilled for the opportunities that this position entails for Luke. We both feel it has the potential to open so many doors that will all be a part of fulfilling our long-term dreams - and who wouldn't be excited about that? It all stems from our feeling that this is the way God is leading us, so we couldn't be happier or feel more blessed in this moment.

The other big, and somewhat bittersweet news is that we already found Luke a great apartment and moved him in this weekend. The quite dinky, but quaint place is in a town called Worthington (just North of downtown). We already think we might end up staying in this area for our stint in Columbus because of how absolutely charming it is. Again, there was obviously a discretionary factor in choosing to go about this the way we did. Since his contract was not signed until today, we didn't say anything to anyone other than family up until this point. Unfortunately we will be apart except for on the weekends until our house sells, so please pray for a quick sale. Being apart during the week will be a major adjustment for both of us, but I pray (and so am confident) that it will get easier as the days pass.

We will be putting our house on the market as soon as we get a few last rennovations done. First week in February is my goal, but we'll just let things happen as they happen. Once we sell our home I will be having a HUGE garage sale, unloading all of our "extras" and then it's 'to Columbus I go'!

My method of praying for a sign from God generally includes my asking Him to smack me upside the head when he wants me to do something. This process has felt just as that - an obnoxious headache from getting smacked! So far everything has fallen into place seamlessly (minus our not being able to immediatly express our joy about such a life altering decision). And so, we are eager to move to Columbus. It is the exact type of town we were looking for - a college town; not too far from friends and family; has everything we'll need within walking distance. We are so excited to see what God has planned for us while there. I hope you all will share in our anticipation for this big change in the coming months - and please, please, please forgive us for the pity of such short notice.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Catching up to 2009!

I decided to start a blog this year. With potential big changes occuring in the very near future (will fill you in soon...), it will be a way to keep everyone interested informed of the happenings in our lives!

First, I'll do some catching up for you into the new year. Luke won another trip through his job. This time they sent us to Miami, Florida for 3 nights at the beginning of November. The weather was mid-80's, the stay was completely free, and the seafood was fabulous! What more can I say other than "Thank you honey for being so good at your job!"?

Thanksgiving was spent with my side of the family. My grandma, whom I have not seen or had much contact with for years came to visit my parent's house for the first time. Other than an incredibly competetive game of Hand and Foot that got a little out of hand (no pun intended), it was a great time with lots of yummy food.

Mike and Chelsea came into town from Vermont for an early Christmas. Thankfully we were able to spend quite a bit of time with them. We got a taste of Chelsea's homemade caramel apple pie and played a mix of Rock Band and card games their entire stay. Below is the family picture that will be on my parents' holiday letter.

Christmas Eve was spent with Luke's mom and grandma in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Christmas Day we drove up to Traverse City, Michigan to spend the day with his aunt Sue and uncle Jon. Their house is a large Victorian on a tree-lined street (very picturesque!) right by the bay. I have never experienced a family so into decorating for Christmas! Not a corner of the house was forgotten - santas, nutcrackers and snowflakes were everywhere; I think they had about 6 Christmas trees up, all with different themes. Two feet of snow came a few days before we arrived, so it was just perfect for Christmas day! The only thing that would have made it nicer was if all the snow melted the 26th so our drive home could have been a little less slick!

New Years Eve Luke and I went to go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was great - I particularly liked to see Brad Pitt's influence on the movie in revolving it around Hurricane Katrina. We watched the ball drop once we got home and then crashed.

I have high hopes for 2009. I'll continue to keep you posted on our goings on!